Trending Moments

Stock Market Crash Heralds Great Depression

October 29, 1929
October 29, 1929

Stock Market Crash Heralds Great Depression

On this day in 1929, stock markets in Boston, New York, and other major American cities tumbled so dramatically that the day was named Black Tuesday. Capping five days of frenzied panic selling, Black Tuesday...

Battle Begins on Lexington Common

April 19, 1775
April 19, 1775

Battle Begins on Lexington Common

On this day in 1775, the first shots were fired in the cause of American independence. In Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous poem, "the shot heard 'round the world" came from the musket of a Concord...

Bostonians Respond to Irish Famine

February 18, 1847
February 18, 1847

Bostonians Respond to Irish Famine

On this day in 1847, Boston's leading citizens held a meeting at Fanueil Hall in response to news of the famine devastating Ireland. With the failure of the potato crop several years in a row,...

Lynn Shoeworkers Strike

February 22, 1860
February 22, 1860

Lynn Shoeworkers Strike

On this day in 1860, thousands of striking shoeworkers filled Lyceum Hall in Lynn. By choosing to begin their protest on Washington's birthday, the strikers were invoking the memory of their revolutionary forefathers. Lynn had...

Anti-war Activists Sentenced to Prison

July 10, 1968
July 10, 1968

Anti-war Activists Sentenced to Prison

On this day in 1968, four men were sentenced to federal prison for counseling young men to refuse military service. Dubbed the Boston Five, the defendants included famed baby doctor Benjamin Spock and Yale Chaplain...

Route 128 Opens Boston's High Tech Age

August 24, 1951
August 24, 1951

Route 128 Opens Boston's High Tech Age

On this day in 1951, the first segment of Route 128 was opened. By 1956, the expressway stretched 65 miles from Gloucester to Braintree. While officials were confident the road would relieve traffic in Boston...

Doug Flutie Throws "Hail Mary" Pass

November 23, 1984
November 23, 1984

Doug Flutie Throws "Hail Mary" Pass

On this day in 1984, Doug Flutie threw a last-second "Hail Mary" touchdown pass to Gerard Phelan in the end zone, giving Boston College a 47-45 win over the University of Miami. Considered too short...

Massachusetts Bay Colony Bans Catholic Priests

May 26, 1647
May 26, 1647

Massachusetts Bay Colony Bans Catholic Priests

On this day in 1647, Massachusetts Bay banned Jesuit priests from the colony on penalty of death. The English Puritans who settled the colony feared the Jesuits for several reasons. First, simply because they were...

Benjamin Franklin Introduces "Silence Dogood"

April 2, 1722
April 2, 1722

Benjamin Franklin Introduces "Silence Dogood"

On this day in 1722, the Boston paper The Courant first published a letter from a widow with a keen wit and a gift for satire. Every few weeks, another letter from "Silence Dogood" appeared....

Pitcher Cy Young Dies

November 4, 1955
November 4, 1955

Pitcher Cy Young Dies

On this day in 1955, legendary pitcher Cy Young died. He spent much of his 22-year career in Boston, arriving in 1901 to play for the new American League team that would become the Red...

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